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Categories: AI in Schools - AI in Government - Train for AI - AI Consulting Services - Generative AI - AI Literacy - AI Ethics
Tag: #temusurveillance
Stats to spur education on your path to AI
Here’s a compilation of stats to spur your thoughts on the need for employee education and risk management in the use of (especially) generative AI. Inspiring? Appalling? Both? YES! And we’re here to help.
AiGg AMA salon recap pt. 4
In this session, our Carrie Giovine speaks of Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, copyright issues and other scintillating context around AI tools. This was a fun one.
AiGg AMA salon recap pt. 3
Brady Benware of GPT Now and Leon Yeh, AI Governance Group speak to the barriers of AI adoption, and we all chat about the environmental impacts of the rise of AI.
Burning up the charts! (not)
In the past five years, women’s participation in technology - especially for those tech groups advancing AI - has grown incredibly slowly. Don’t believe the headlines. The “gender gap” isn’t closing. It’s crawling along… and this must change.
AiGg AMA salon recap pt. 2
Susan Towers of Sandymount Search and Colleen Finn of 52 Ltd. talk about the impact of AI on recruiting and job hunting.
AiGg AMA salon recap pt. 1
Tara Smith of Voxus PR opines on the opportunity for communications professionals around the use of AI.
Alarm Bells Sound Off: Navigating the Temu Surveillance Revelation
The boundary between personal and professional data is increasingly blurred in our hyper-connected world. When employees download and use applications like Temu on devices that also contain corporate information, they create potential gateways for data breaches.